
First Presbyterian Church

395 Hamilton Ave., Kingsford, MI 49802

Join Us As We Worship God Love Our God Build Community Share Good News Love Our Neighbor Serve Those in Need

Sunday Worship

Weekly Calendar
Sunday, February 16th
9:30a.m. Worship
Monday, February 17th
10:00a.m. Golden K
5:00p.m. Soup Kitchen (drive-through only)

Tuesday, February 18th
1:00p.m. Shawl Ministry
6:45p.m. Community Chorus

Wednesday, February 19th
10:00a.m. Reflections with Pastor Bob
Young Disciples:
   3:30p.m. 4 yrs. – 6th Grade
   5:00p.m. 7th – 12th Grade
6:30p.m. Adult Choir

Thursday, February 20th
9:30a.m. Sit, Chat, Finish That
1:00p.m. Parkinson Meeting
5:30p.m. Session  

Friday, February 21st
11:30a.m. Women’s Luncheon at Storheims

First Presbyterian Church, Iron Mountain-Kingsford, Dickinson County, Michigan – History of Church from 1884-2024

This presentation celebrates 140 years of service at the First Presbyterian Church and includes biographical information on the pastors who have served this church, early newspaper items regarding the church and its activities from 1884-1915, the dedication ceremony for the current church at 395 Hamilton Avenue on October 12, 1958, and series of photographs showing early Iron Mountain from the 1880s and 1890s.

Our family includes newborns to 100-years old and all ages in between.  We come from many walks of life but share a common bond in our Lord, Jesus Christ.  This is a loving, caring family and you will find a warm welcome here.  We worship, study, play, work, and pray together.  We laugh and cry together.  We listen and we care.  If you are looking for a Church home, or want to find out more about us, please come and join us in worship.

Worship Services

There is a place for you here

First Presbyterian Church is a loving family of believers united in the praise, worship, and service of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

We welcome and invite everyone to attend worship service with us, to participate in any ministry-based activity, to bring your children to participate in any activity, and to become a member of our congregation.


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